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Good Friday K.
Good Friday K was born on Good Friday in 1972 at the farm of Bob and Ann Kuykendall. He would be their first of TWHBEA stallions. They raised and trained Friday themselves and found him to be exceptionally gentle and easy to handle, even hundreds of colts later.
Friday had many distinctions and titles over the years, but his best being the third Walking horse in history to win a Tennessee Walking Horse Breeders' and Exhibitor's Association Supreme Versatlity Championship.

"Fried Pie," as he was affectionately known, was used around the farm to pony colts, give children rides, and as a pleasurable mount for all to enjoy. He was trained to harness and pulled the local Mayor in a cart for the Muskogee Azalea Parade. He was shown extensively as a flat shod plantation horse all over Oklahoma and Arkansas. But where Friday really set himself apart was successfully competing against Quarter Horses in trail, western pleasure, reining classes, poles and barrels.

Ann entered Friday in the TWHBEA Versatility Program the first year of its inception. She felt it was a great way to expose the public to the many facets of the plantation Walker, and it was.
While Friday was the start of Ann's versatility efforts, she went on to win 5 Supreme Versatility Championships, more than anyone person to date. Friday was the apple of Ann's eye and she and Bob spent many years enjoying him in shows, parades, and on trail rides.
Friday was retired from showing in 1982, the year he won the SVC. He continued to be an ambassador for the Pleasure Horse the rest of his life.
He was an outstanding sire, he has over 8 National Versatility Champions to his credit. If you go to Walker's West Versatility Page, you will find it is practically a Friday K Hall of Fame.

Friday was euthanized in 1989, the Good Fried Pie was a beautiful horse who was willing and easy to work with. Ann said he was her dream horse, and what an amazing dream he was.

Friday leads a trail ride with Bob Kuykendall up and at his side, his son (also a stallion), Friday's Marauder K with Ann Kuykendall
Our Descendants of Good Friday K:
Barbara's Amazing Grace
2019 TWHBEA Mare
Gold Powered Jackson Blue x Barbara Ann Genius
A filly, who was never to be, stole my heart years before she was born. Her father possesses a wonderful disposition that he throws tremendously. Her dam goes back to SVC Good Friday K, through his son SVC Marauder K, and possessing strong Harlinsdale lineage. Her mother is a giant black beauty with "the best running walk" Ann Kuykendall has ever ridden. Now that's high remarks! Big dreams for this girl!
Pusher's Cookie Jane
2007 TWHBEA Mare
Senor Pusher x Good Friday's Cookieshine
A mare of perfect size, she comes from the late, great Good Friday's Cookieshine. Cookie was not only a great show horse, she possessed a phenomenal disposition that stole hearts everywhere she went. PCJ shows this same disposition with kindness and poise. She is the embodiment of our program.
Roxann Genius
2019 TWHBEA Mare
Gold Powered Jackson Blue x Barbara Ann Genius
A filly, who was never to be, in her second coming. Her father possesses a wonderful disposition that he throws tremendously. Her dam goes back to SVC Good Friday K, through his son SVC Friday's Marauder K, and possessing strong Harlinsdale lineage. Her mother is a giant black beauty with "the best running walk" Ann Kuykendall has ever ridden. Now that's high remarks! Big dreams for this girl!