Home of Rackin' & Rollin' Productions
In the beginning...
We started breeding because we wanted to share our wonderful breed and extra special dog, Jade, with the world. But we never would have guessed the rewards that awaited us! The joy that Jade's puppies have shared with their new families has been amazing to see. You know you love something, but you never know how much the world will until its out there.
Well, our puppies are out there bringing smiles everyday. We get photos and happy stories, thank you's, and love continuously. We never realized how much our puppies would impact the lives of others. Its incredible and humbling all at the same time. The light and joy a good puppy brings is unmatchable.
Our Past Puppies
Countless smiles!
Welcome to some of my most prized photos. Whenever I am feeling down or exhausted I look back at these photos and remember why I am doing it. FOR YOU GUYS! Every time I see the smiles on your faces at your first look, my heart melts and I am at peace knowing that what I am doing will bring you all so much joy!